National Comfort Institute

Why Performance-Based Contracting™?

Why Performance-Based Contracting™?
Happy Customers.

A Performance-Based contractor delivers comfort, safety and energy efficiency using proven documented results. What does this mean? Simply put, Performance-Based contractors rely on airflow, pressure and other measurements to diagnose system problems and identify solutions. Once the problems are resolved, the contractors repeat the measurements taken initially to prove the system is working as promised.

If you're looking for ways to...
  • Differentiate your company
  • Achieve double-digit net profits
  • Improve employee retention and morale
  • Generate more referrals
  • Increase maintenance agreement sales
  • Make customers comfortable and happy
Then, Performance-Based Contracting™ may very well be the vehicle you need to achieve your objectives.

To find out more, download these articles for free:
  • Why Performance-Based Contracting™?
  • Home Performance Belongs to the HVAC Industry
  • Why System Performance Measurement Works
  • Sell "Total Cost of Ownership" and Win
  • Reducing CO Hazards with Additional Equipment Safety Measures

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National Comfort Institute
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